Monday, 25 June 2007

Now where did I leave my passport?

This is possibly the messiest that I have ever been. By some cosmic conspiracy even after a day of packing and cleaning it still looks the same. Absolutely baffling. One explanation could be that I just rearranged the mess(just like the icons on my desktop) so at the end of the day it's the same mess but different. Fortunately for me, this mess not unlike the mess of facts and figures in my brain, is quite organised in a chaotic kind of way. I actually know where my passport is. Really. Where my house keys are on the other hand is a true mystery. So folks at home, if you don't come to get me I WON'T be able to get in.

In just a few days all these items will be packed into bags and flown home. Then they will unpacked and strewn all over our new home just the way you see now. So same mess different place. Fortunately then Yin will be balanced by Yang and it's likely that this explosion of cloths, books, gadgets, gadget chargers/adaptors, more gadgets will be somewhat held in check by the less-messy Nat.

now who said a convertible is for show offs? If not for this convertible HS would not have been able to take home his projector screen which turned out to be much longer than bargained for.
And finally, to celebrate this glorious mess, a scrumptious Barbera by Camp du Rouss. Morto bella!!!

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Down by the Missisipii? I am not a spelling bea...

So, the trail that runs between Crosby regional park to Lilydale park in St Paul is suppose to be one of the prettiest in Minnesota. With new found freedom after a grueling 2 weeks subconsulting in the unit and having less sleep in a week than most of you get on the weekend I headed out like a bat out of hell for St Paul. Due to the paucity of signs, I never did find Lilydale park and instead ended up at the U of M. WTF indeed. But, the ride was pretty.

Passed this art museum along the way ( but was too grotty to even dare walk in.

This being my last week here and I mean my last week plus the fact that I do not foresee myself coming by this way again anytime soon, I decided to go the whole hog(after a little nudge) and got something nice to drive. Once again I realise that I'm a real car nut as I couldn't wipe that silly grin off my face the whole day. Not to say that the Mustang is an inspiring drive, far from in fact. The T5 is whole lot faster despite having have the capacity(it has a 4L engine under the hood that feels very much like the ford explorer, strange). The suspension is soft and steering vague. The brakes don't bite. Finally, no self respecting sports car should have an antenna sticking out of the hood that just breaks the lines. But, and a big but there, it's got one saving grace - it's a convertible! With the gorgeous weather today, driving topless was nothing short of awe inspiring.

And that's another reason to get a folding bike!

Tonight, I drink to a good nights sleep without my pager going off at 3am. Just twisted the screw-top off a Mitolo Jester - a nice big Australian Shiraz.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

A Sunday morning ride

Went for a nice long ride today with TK and K. Haven't been biking for a week thanks to my crummy schedule so today was biking with a vengence. It was a plus as the weather was pretty gorgeous.

We made a detour to George's place but unfortuantely we woke the dude up(that's bed head if you've ever seen one). It was nice catching up and making grand plans for next weekend.

So, this gets submited to National Geographic this month. This is probably my all time favorite shot simply because of the fleeting moment that Jackson remained silhouetted. It hit me that instant that what lay before me was a gorgeous photo op so I took several shots and what we have is the best of the lot. Hope this gets in.
I've almost forgotten how much I miss Japanese food till this evening when I embarked on a solo culinary excursion to Sakura in St Paul. Sashimi and sake, heaven.